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Why Does God Forbid Sexual Activity in Some Situations When People are in Love?

June 07, 2024

Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 & Mark 10:6-9 Speaker: Isaiah Maynard Series: Questions Christians Face

Length: 25 mins 25 secs Plays: 49

Speaker: Isaiah Maynard - Today’s question brings up quite a few issues related to it, such as love, romance, morality and immorality, even brokenness related to sexual desires. As we talk about these things, I really want us to see that there is one thing that can hold them all together and that is the glory of God. Viewing these issues as a means to see the glory of God helps us make sense of a biblical Sexual Ethic. A question like this could be answered with a list of do’s and don’ts but it would miss the heart behind it. The heart behind it ultimately belongs to God, and it is my hope that we instead come away from this brief time with a deeper longing for what God offers us in Christ. So the objective for today is for us to see and understand how God is glorified through our sexual morality.

Topics: sexual morality love