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Grow in Community


May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Romans 15:5–7)
Community groups are an essential place where we seek to cultivate the kinds of relationships that reflect God’s work in the gospel.

The gospel is a work that restores the relationships with God and others that sin has broken. Although God saves men and women as individuals, He saves them into a new community–a family! And, if God has made His people into a family, they should live like one in authentic love and sacrificial good works toward each other and the world around them — not to earn His love, but in response to His love. (1 John 4:11)

Community groups are where we hope those kinds of gospel-centered relationships can thrive.
  • where we can grow in our love for God and one another together around His grace-filled Word
  • where we can find rest from the anxiety and pressures of life in the city and bear one another’s burdens in new and deeper relationships
  • where we can support and encourage one another as we reflect the love of God in Christ to our coworkers, friends and neighbors.
  • And, where we can help one another better follow Jesus

Community Groups Map & Info

We use a picture of a house to describe the way we are to live with those that are part of Gospel Grace Church. In a healthy biblical community, believers are spending time together in all these rooms.

Dining Room

Community Instructs
The word is our life and we must speak it and share it one with another. In our dining rooms, we have guests over and share food and conversation together. In biblical community, we share literal food together as well as the food of studying, listening to, and speaking the word to one another. Each of us prepares a part of the meal of the Word, and we share it with one another. (Col. 3:16, Matt. 4:4, Eph. 4:15-16)

Living Room

Community Cares
The gospel causes us both to care for the needs of those around us and to open up about the needs of our own lives. In our living rooms, we share our lives with others, spending time with one another, laughing at stories, working through difficulties, and rejoicing in triumphs. In biblical community, we also share our lives by practicing hospitality, listening to each other, offering words of encouragement, and even confronting sin when necessary. (1 Cor. 12:25-27, Gal. 6:1-2)

Front Porch

Community Proclaims
The front porch is a place where people are both welcomed in to be a part of community and where people can be sent out into the world. In biblical community, we proclaim the gospel through our words and actions both to those we have invited in and to those outside of it. The front porch reminds us that believers display living, Christ-like love one for another in front of those around them by inviting others in to join community and by going out to those who are around them to proclaim Christ together and serve together. (John 13:35, Matt. 5:14-16)


Community Disciples
In our basements, we learn and practice our skills. Maybe there’s a workbench or a sewing room set up to enjoy a hobby or work on a broken appliance. Just like a loving father who invites his son into a basement workshop, so believers are called to train others in what to believe and how to live and serve. In Christian community, believers leverage what they have and who they are to help others become more like Jesus. (Phil. 3:17, Matt. 28:19-20)
Common questions about community groups
What is a community group?
A community group is 10+ adults that commit to gather weekly together in a home or other location in the city. All groups are led by trained leaders who receives oversight and support from the pastoral team. Groups on Sunday and Wednesday nights for about 1.5 hours for worship, Bible study, fellowship and prayer.
Although each group is a little bit different due to the personalities of leaders and members, there are some foundational things that happen each week in every group.
  • After some time to catch up from the last week, groups take time to study and discuss God’s Word together. Each week, a companion study to the theme of Sunday’s sermon is used as a guide for discussion.
  • Groups also spend time caring for each other. Times for openness and prayer for each other help groups get to know each other and bear each other’s burdens.
  • Groups meet to disciple each other. Relationships deepen as you spend time in the word and prayer together. Those deeper friendships should naturally become more committed and focused on helping each other be more like Jesus.
  • Groups seek to invite others to be a part of what God is doing. We proclaim the gospel through our words and actions both to those outside community and those already inside it.
Which group should I join?
You are welcome to choose the group that best fits you relationally and geographically. As a reminder, we see community groups as an opportunity to shine the light of the gospel into both the neighborhoods and relationships that are represented by each group. So, take that into account as you prayerfully choose which group you will be a part of!
What is offered for kids and youth group?
Our Wednesday youth discipleship and nursery care is provided by trained and background-checked leaders and teachers on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in our building. You can drop off your kids after 6:45pm then head over to your group.
How can I prepare for the discussion?

Normally, groups discuss a study based on the most recently preached Sunday morning sermon.

Most recetly posted sermon
Sunday, October 20, 2024 -
Matthew 5:1-12 -
Jared Jenkins

Blessed Are You

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