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Mission & Culture Code

We exist as a church to glorify God by making gospel–centered, grace–saturated disciples of Jesus Christ.


Our culture is defined by what we celebrate, the ideologies we embrace, the rules we follow (written or unwritten), the heroes we honor, and the behaviors we perpetuate. Our culture represents the outworking of our hearts - it is belief in action.

As we seek to carry out our mission, we prayerfully pursue the following as marks of our culture code...
  • Authentic Worship

    God made us to magnify His greatness and live for His pleasure. Therefore, the overarching goal of Gospel Grace Church is to glorify Him in word and deed. Our personal pursuit of God should overflow in joyful worship together as a church, involving the whole man – mind, emotion, and will.
  • Christian Community

    Christians are born into a new community through the reconciling work of Christ. This new identity compels us to live in a communion of brotherly love. This is because when we are secure in God’s love, we are free and responsible to radically love one another in transparency, accountability, and mutual edification.
  • Committed Discipleship

    Committed discipleship is a life-long process of becoming more like Christ and helping others do the same. We want believers of all ages to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. With the help of God’s Spirit, we lovingly commit ourselves to helping other believers mature in Christlikeness. We will provoke one another to love and good works through scriptural instruction and life example.
  • Intentional Evangelism

    As recipients of God’s grace we are motivated to be outward facing with the message of Christ. We will intentionally seek to build redemptive relationships by serving and loving others. In addition, we will strive to make purposeful life choices that maximize our opportunities to proclaim the gospel locally and afar. Ultimately, we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord.
  • Scriptural Truth

    We want God’s revealed truth to permeate all of life and ministry. To live means to consume God’s Word (Matt. 4:4). Our goal is that believers would mature in Christlikeness by means of an ever-increasing knowledge of and submission to the Word (2 Tim. 3:15-16). We want to study God’s Word in depth and be grounded in sound doctrine (Heb. 5:12-14). Therefore, the Bible will take priority and prominence in our worship services, for it has the power to change lives. Scripture makes it clear that our true problems are internal rather than external. Therefore, we apply the Word to the heart and not just to outward symptoms (Heb. 4:12).
  • Mercy & Compassion

    The gospel both humbles us to our desperate need for God and moves us to meet the needs of the poor, marginalized, broken, and downcast. Therefore, we want to be known for not just speaking the gospel, but also joyfully living it out in acts of mercy for the church, our neighborhood, Salt Lake City, and the world. Our priority in ministry is to point everyone to the source of all mercy—Jesus Christ.
  • Evident Faith

    At Gospel Grace Church, we want to obey God regardless of the cost and even if we don’t know all the details. We refuse to dig our roots into that which is passing away. We willingly invest our families, our finances and future because we bank everything on the promises of God. We communicate and exercise this faith through our emphasis on corporate and individual prayer.
  • Commitment to Holiness

    God’s design for the church is that we would be a “called-out” people. By grace, we have been delivered from a lifestyle of sin and taught to live in holiness (Titus 2:11-12). Therefore, we are committed to personal and corporate purity through accountability, discipline and separation from sin and false teaching.
  • Eternally-
    minded Stewardship

    As people who have received everything by the grace of God, we commit both personally and corporately to wise and generous stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us. We will not hoard people or resources but will joyfully give to bless the body of Christ. In a world that values what is passing away, we will invest in eternity by valuing people over programs and facilities.
  • Purposeful Multiplication

    By means of the church, God displays his character and declares his message to a lost and broken world. We believe that the gospel's work naturally eventuates in the formation of new churches. Therefore we will invest in reproducing church-planting churches in strategic communities throughout the Salt Lake valley and beyond. Such an endeavor requires leaders who will train leaders and teams who will pioneer new works (2Tim 2:2)