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The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Intake

July 14, 2019

Speaker: Pastor Will Galkin Series: Spiritual Disciplines

Length: 35 mins 28 secs Plays: 733

Speaker: Will Galkin - God has revealed Himself to us through creation, the Bible and Jesus Christ. God’s revelation serves as an invitation to know and enjoy a relationship with Him. However, as many of you know, building a vibrant walk with God requires work and discipline. Throughout church history the biblical means of grace to pursue God have been called Spiritual Disciplines.  In our short study we are focusing on the biblical Spiritual Disciplines of Bible intake, prayer and meditation. Today we are going to be talking about The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Intake. The idea of Bible Intake comes from Donald Whitney’s book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. The goal of the Spiritual Discipline of Bible Intake is to cultivate a relationship with God by getting as much of God’s Word in your life as possible.

Topics: bible reading disciplines