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The Glory of the Incarnation

July 03, 2017

Passage: John 1:14-18 Speaker: Pastor Jon Kopp Series: John - That You May Believe

Length: 53 mins 53 secs Plays: 2122

Speaker: Jon Kopp - It has been said that that the history of the world hinges on a stable door in Bethlehem, and as John writes the closing of his prologue, he agrees. What does John say happened that changed history? Well, God’s revelation happened. God showed man what He is really like. God’s revelation to man was so spectacular, so magnificent, so glorious that all of history hinges on its introduction onto the scene. You see, up to this point in time, God was only seen shadows and symbols and signs. One theologian said that the revelation of God in the OT was like a pencil sketch. Rough outlines, black and white, foggy detail, but in today’s text, John shows us that God’s revelation has a name. His name is Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is God on full display.