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Plea to Suffering Christians

February 08, 2015

Passage: 1 Peter 5:6-11 Speaker: Peter Hubbard Series: Standalone Messages

Length: 33 mins 8 secs Plays: 2142

Speaker: Peter Hubbard - This morning, Pastor Hubbard will be preaching in our worship gathering. This morning 1 Peter chapter 5 will show us that the gospel is the motivation and compulsion for faithful living as a Christian. We are not left to wonder about the logic of gospel holiness. God is near to us, by his own initiative of grace. We live in light of this glorious reality. Peter thus concludes with a promise that Jesus himself will “restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish” us. What a comfort to know we do not have an absentee Father, a distant Savior, or a “hands off” Spirit! The Lord who has eternal dominion over all things has restored us and secured us to himself. We endure suffering and confidently live for him because he has provided such overwhelming, sustaining, eternal, and compelling grace for us. (Gospel Transformation Study Bible, Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 2013. Electronic Format)